About Us
Our Guild exists to provide a sociable environment for members to practise their skills , learn new skills and share skills with each other and with anyone interested in learning.
We are affiliated to the national Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers (www.wsd.org.uk), which produces a quarterly Journal and organises a biennial Summer School and National Exhibition.
We regularly have informal or formal workshops and demonstrate skills in public at craft fairs, heritage centres, etc.
The Guild has spinning and weaving equipment for loan to members so that they can try out new skills before investing in equipment. We also have an extensive library of textile related books and magazines.
Meetings are generally held on the first Saturdays of each month from 10.00 to 16.00 at St. Oswald's Institute, Church St, Durham DH1 3DQ.
A Guild meeting usually follows this format:
10.00-10.30 - members arrive, greet, chat, drink tea and coffee
10.30-11.00 - Guild business is discussed
11.00-12.30 - workshop or skill sharing
12.30-13.00 - lunch break (members bring their own lunch but tea, coffee & biscuits are provided)
13.00-15.30 - workshop or skill sharing
15.30-16.00 - tidying up
Anyone not participating in the workshop tends to bring their own spinning, weaving, knitting projects to work at whilst catching up with news and events.
You are welcome to visit us for a meeting to see what we do and to have a chat with members. Visitors pay £4 for a meeting (which includes refreshments). If you would like to become a member, please contact secretary.durhamguild@gmail.com and she will give you the details. Current annual subscriptions are £32 adult, £16 students/young person, £40 family membership.