On Saturday 6th Feb the Durham Guild of Spinners, Weavers and Dyers held its first online AGM. After a year with no face to face meetings (apart from one small outdoor gathering in August) it was lovely to see a good number of members joining us on Zoom.
Once the normal business of the AGM had been transacted and the committee re-elected, we discussed plans for the coming year. Although a good number of our members have already received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine, it seems unlikely that we will be permitted to hold face to face meetings anytime soon. Consequently, we will be aiming to provide a stimulating mix of online activities for the foreseeable future.
Online meetings in March and April
To start us off on our online adventures, we have invited Katie Weston of Hilltop Cloud to help us hone our Spinning skills. Katie is well known in the fibre world as an experienced dyer and skilled communicator. She has spent the last twelve months mastering the skills required to deliver online tutorials and is now in great demand as Guilds across the country are forced to move their activities online. We are very fortunate to have been able to book her for both our March and April meetings. On 6th March she will be delivering an online talk on Spinning with a purpose and on 3rd April she will be delivering an online workshop on Spinning Thick and Thin. There will be no charge for the talk in March, but the workshop in April will cost £25 for members and £30 for non-members.