On Saturday 7th May Freyalyn Close-Hainsworth will be leading a spindle spinning workshop. Places will be limited to 15 and the cost of the day's workshop will be £25. Spindles and fibre will be provided but if you have your own spindle, do bring it along. If you would like to take part please contact treasurer.durhamguild@gmail.com to book a place. You will be asked to pay a deposit of £10.
Freyalyn's work can be found on Etsy and Ravelry and she has an interesting blog at http:freyalyn.blogspot.com.
Please note change of venue for this event! We shall be meeting in Redwood Lodge not St Oswald's Institute. Redwood Lodge can be accessed from the footpath (School Lane) running from Church St down beside St Oswald's Infant School.